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Credit Card Server (RMCCWin)

ASI provides an optional program that interfaces with a number of 3rd party devices/programs to provide integrated Credit Card Authorization. The program (rmccwin.exe) is run on the computer connected to the device/program, and allows any POS station to process credit cards.

Note: Please see the section on Generate New Encryption Key. This is a mandatory step for PCI Compliancy

Version 19 supports the following 3rd party interfaces:

  1. Mercury Payment Systems (MPS) Payment Server. Requires internet connection. The MPS interface supports Point 2 Point encryption (P2P capable card swipe needed). See MPS-RM Installation Guide.html for instructions on how to setup this software.

  2. NETePay V5.0 - Requires internet connection. The NETePay interface supports Point 2 Point encryption (P2P capable card swipe needed). See NETePay Installation Guide.html for instructions on how to setup this software.
  3. VeriFone’s PAYWare PC. PAYWare PC is preferred over PCCharge. unless third party gift cards are being used. The PAYWare suit does not offer the full POS functionality as MPS. Specifically, credit card authorization and offline processing is not available with PAYWare PC. See PAYWare PC Installation Guide for instructions on how to setup this specific software.

  4. VeriFone’s PCCharge Payment Server. See PCCharge Installation Instructions for details on how to setup this software.

  5. DataTran “smart” modem, made by Datacap. See DataTran Installation Instructions for instructions on how to setup this device.

Important: DataTran maybe limited by the number of transaction conducted in one batch session.

Note ASI does not provide specific instructions on how to install credit card third party software. It is recommended that you read each credit card software instructions prior to installation.